Unmask your potential with CUC

03 Feb 2022 Cathy McNiven

Unmask your potential!

CUC can help unmask your potential, so reach out today!

Country Universities Centres are empowering regional communities to fulfil their potential through higher education. Students can now study with any university or higher education provider, without the need to relocate. With CUC offering top quality, modern facilities with the latest equipment, our regional students no longer miss out.

“When I was in school in Cooma, they opened the very first CUC in NSW and it sparked something in many students of the time when we realised, we don’t have to move hundreds of kilometres away to study and higher education is now at reach for all of us rural and regional students”.

-Hayley Wannell

How does CUC help unlock potential?
  1.  Through the provision of free academic resources otherwise unavailable regionally
  2.  Face-to-Face academic advice
  3.  Caring staff who listen and support the learning journey
  4.  Dedicated, quiet study space with modern, high-tech equipment
  5.  A community-built and driven, providing a strong regional network

We believe every student has unlocked potential waiting to be released. Studying at university can be challenging for any student. From the school-leaver to mature age students, there can be many hurdles to overcome along the way, which is why we believe living in a rural, remote or regional area shouldn’t be one of them.

“Being able to have access to CUC Goulburn during my degree was absolutely life changing. Living out of town often meant having bad internet and through the CUC I could access great internet and brilliant computer set-ups. I have also been able to access amazing support from the staff at my local CUC who have been ready to help in any capacity should I need it. It was also super beneficial to my learning to have access to the CUC during the pandemic as most of my family was working from home it provided me with the access to a quiet place to study.”
-Emily Doherty

CUC is an inclusive community, offering wrap-around support, ensuring students have all the resources needed to succeed. With highly skilled staff available to speak with, the barriers come down, the question “Why not? “can be asked and answered and students can start to believe they can do it. With registration FREE, why not register now or send this to a friend and let CUC unlock their potential.

Unmask your potential! Talk to CUC



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